Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Left To Tell

I just got through reading an amazing book! I love it when I have the opportunity to read something so great, but especially when the book is an inspiration to me. The book is what I titled my blog, Left To Tell, and it's written by Immaculee Ilibagiza whose a survivor of the Rwandan Holocaust.

Her story is amazing and touched me deeply.

Many things she wrote about I will never ever forget but what really stood out to me was something she said while hiding in a cramped bathroom with seven other women. It was during this time in her life that she was the closest to God she's ever been. What she said that really touched me has to do with something I've been searching my soul for and the answer came through her and her story.

My struggles dim when compared to hers, but I want to explain what mine are so when I reveal what she said that truly touched me, it will be understood clearly.

No one knows the future, only God does. We as humans long to know what's coming up next. I think it must be human nature to wonder and even ask God what the future holds for us. I know I've asked Him countless times, with never an answer but the dawning of each new day.
While I was at camp, I realized that I didn't need to know the future. When I know something is going to happen in advance, I worry and fret over it and try to plan things down to a T.
That's how I came to realize I'm more of a "fly by the seat of my pants" kinda gal. It's just better that way for me.

What this woman said during the scariest moments of her life...affected me because I felt as if I was her and God was speaking directly to me. What she had to say was this:

I was certain that God had a greater purpose for me, and I prayed every day for Him to reveal it to me. At first I was expecting Him to show me my entire future all at once--maybe with a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder thrown in for good measure. But I came to learn that God never shows us something we aren't yet ready to understand. Instead, He lets us see what we need to see, when we need to see it. He'll wait until our eyes and hearts are open to Him, and then when we're ready, He will plant our feet on the path that's best for us...but it's up to us to do the walking. (pg.114).

O God, plant my feet upon the path that You would have me to trod...what a fun word. Open doors that lead to Your will and Your's alone, and close the doors that have my will at heart and cloud You from my view. I want only to do what You would have me to do. Lead me in Your way, where all my fears are silenced.

1 comment:

Holly Face said...

Thank you so much for this post. I totally have to keep reminding myself of that. Everyday is a lesson in waiting on God. I want to know what is going to happen next, even tomorrow. I need to do things like get a job, but I feel paralyzed because I've been unhappy in the past when I made decisions without his approval. So I am waiting on God. And my parents totally don't understand it, and the world is going to think I'm a slacker. But I am waiting waiting waiting. So I might as well make myself useful while I wait. Love you!